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"Connection lost Network protocol error"

I can't connect to the server. The error seems to be caused by in-game behavior.The error happened to me twice. The first time this happened was after I hit a pig. I was simply kicked out of the server and every time I tried to log into the server I was given an error message. This error went away on its own after about 1 day. The second time this happened was after I opened the chat and entered the command to teleport home (/home 1). This error is still valid and right now I can't log into the server.P.S. This happened a couple more times when I tried to return to another place of death using the /home command.P.S.S. Also one time it happened without any reason. I tried restarting wifi, connecting to another network, turning on VPN, none of this helps.

Александр Волков Vor 4 Tagen


Lost ladybug - moreso Tele25's bug was lost.

Player Tehe25 and a couple other players had me come on for a brief period today to look at the mini additions for spring 2024. When me and Tehe were roaming OW / RW we got a ladybug from one of the drops. I ended up placing and breaking the bug without issues until i somehow placed it sideways on a short_grass, when breaking it, it vanished.Apparently this is a sortof known bug, but i was hoping you could give tehe back a free ladybug plush. I can farm tokens in a week, once ive had alittle more time to breath from nonsense, but wanted to ask incase if you guys would be able to replace it for them.Yet again i somehow cause bugs in an event pff- upside atleast its for someone else not me needing stuff.

espersparks Vor 22 Tagen